
Soaking It All In

My first day interning at Inland Seas feels like yesterday, yet here I am reflecting on the seven weeks I have spent here. When I applied to work with Inland...

Earth Week 2024

Throughout this week our Great Lakes Educator, Liam, will be taking us through some natural observations that you can go out and see in your local watershed. Our observations take...

2023 Blog Post Review

The 2023 blog post review is a collection of some of our favorite blog posts from throughout the year. Feel free to enjoy an old favorite or find something you...

What’s Not In The Job Description

During a recent job interview, I was asked to provide an example of a time I demonstrated flexibility or effectively navigated a rapidly changing situation. I shared my experience teaching...

Another PD In The Backpack

Teachers, let’s face it: most of the time, your district-provided professional development sucks. If that seems too harsh, then let me phrase it as “less than engaging.” It often seems...

Spring Schoolship: A Season in Review

Spring is one of the most magical times of the year: The warming of the air, and, albeit much slower, the water; the blossoming of buds on trees; the emergence...

The Experience of Retirement

Retirees have a well-established beachhead at Inland Seas.  The formerly-employed can be found in every type of voluntary role, from maintaining grounds, to teaching lessons, to helping around the office. ...

I Call it Joy

The three visitors arrived, seemingly out of nowhere.  They were swallows, I think, soaring on the wind and diving between our sails.  They would veer off the bow and then...