
One Thing That Made Me Smile

When I applied for this internship, I had no idea the impact it would have on my life both professionally and personally. The hands-on learning and the people around me...

Teachers Keep Learning with ISEA

What do teachers have in common with their students? Learning. Both are always learning and many teachers go into the field of teaching because they love to learn. (It doesn’t...

Setting Sail on Lake Superior

Sailing on the Inland Seas From time to time, ISEA will share Great Lakes experiences from guest bloggers. In this blog, volunteer Frank Simkins shares his experience sailing through Lake...

Sustainability Comes in Many Rs

We are, hopefully, all familiar with the 3 R’s: reduce, reuse, recycle. In the past two blog posts we have discussed them at length. This classic alliteration serves as a...

Making a Case for Using Less

By Rachel Ratliff In our last blog, we discussed how to reuse plastics to lessen our reliance on the recycling process; in this blog, we’ll be making a case for...

Recycling is Not Enough

By Rachel Ratliff As a society, we are not oblivious to the consequences of our consumerist culture. At this point, if someone has not seen a photo of a deceased...