From time to time, ISEA will share Great Lakes experiences from guest bloggers. In this blog, a previous education intern, Teresa Noah, shares how she grew through her experience with ISEA. Email if you would like to submit a Great Lakes experience to be featured.
During my first semester at Northwestern Michigan College (NMC), my Wetland Science course went on a field trip to Suttons Bay to sail on the schooner Inland Seas. On that sail, I knew I had to learn more about the organization and see how I could work for them. The hands-on experience excited me, but I think what really sealed the deal was when the PONAR grab opened up and lots of lake bed mud went all over my shoes.

That following year, I participated in a new partnership between Inland Seas Education Association and NMC. This partnership provides internships for students in NMC’s Freshwater Studies program as well as educators for Inland Seas’ programs. I was excited to apply and got the education intern position for the 2021 Spring Schoolship season.
I was part of the programming that had to adapt to COVID. We delivered a Ship and Shore program where classes were split in half, swapping halfway through. I learned and taught three stations which were the Great Lakes Mapping Station, Wetland Exploration, and Seamanship.
I can still remember my first official day of programming. It was a chilly May morning and I was instructing the map station. It was my first time working with kids so I was very nervous. As I kept instructing, group after group, my nerves melted away and I felt an excited confidence I had not felt before. Working with children and inspiring love for the Great Lakes became something I looked forward to each day.
Later in the season, I was on a sail instructing seamanship. That sail had only seven students, so I had some extra time to really take in the surroundings and just how happy I was to be there. Sometimes when I am engrossed in instructing, the beauty surrounding me gets a little lost.
Inland Seas created an amazing environment for me to learn and grow. I became much more confident in my communication skills along with learning how important going with the flow is to having a successful program. Not everything goes according to plan and that is okay. The staff and volunteers are all incredible and want to see me succeed. I am very appreciative of them and the mentorship I have been given.
After my internship, I transitioned right into a volunteer and am loving every minute of it.
Teresa Noah was a 2021 Northwestern Michigan College intern for Inland Seas Education Association. She is from the Chicago-land area but Michigan is a second home. When not taking courses or volunteering for ISEA, she likes to swim and paddleboard in West Bay. To learn more about interning with ISEA, contact Jillian Votava at