Because the format for our 2020-21 ISEA Cafes was virtual, we can share them beyond the actual events. Please enjoy the recordings below in our 2020-21 ISEA Cafe Archive. Over 40 people attended each Cafe, many engaging with the presenters via chat and audio. This experience has proven to us that while we prefer to meet in person, our ISEA Cafes can successfully take place online.
November 24 – Great Lakes Trivia, hosted by the ISEA Education Team

December 17 – Gobies, Quaggas, and the Nearshore Food Web, presented by Graceanne Tarsa from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
January 26 – The Big Five Dive Film Screening and Panel, presented by the filmmakers and divers featured in the film
February 16 – Behavior Change and the Next Generation of Environmental Stewards, presented by Jess Lasoff-Santos from the University of Michigan and Katie Williamson from Rare’s Center for Behavior and Environment – Presentation Slide Deck
ISEA cafes are a way for Inland Seas to connect with its audience throughout the year offering educational opportunities that help to connect and engage people with the Great Lakes. If you are interested in attending a cafe or being a presenter please reach out to Rachel at