Start Volunteering

Thinking of volunteering with Inland Seas? Follow the steps below to become an Inland Seas Volunteer:

  1. Explore the various volunteer opportunities with ISEA.
  2. Stay up to date by signing up for the monthly Volunteer Newsletter.
  3. Fill out the Volunteer Application and return it in one of the following ways:
    • Drop off at ISEA office – 100 Dame Street, Suttons Bay
    • Email to Rachel at
    • Mail to Inland Seas Education Association, Attn: Rachel, PO Box 218, Suttons Bay, MI 49682
  4. We will be in touch with next steps.

We work to make every volunteer experience fun, exciting, and meaningful.

Contact Volunteer Coordinator Rachel Ratliff with any questions, or 231-271-3077 x106.

Sign-up for news, events and other ISEA information
