About ISEA School Programs

Inland Seas Education Association offers a variety school programs to introduce their students to hands-on learning on and around the Great Lakes. In the three-hour Schoolship programs, students become scientists for the day and assist professional staff and seasoned volunteer instructors with the collection and analysis of Great Lakes samples. ROV Engineer and Explore programs extend student learning onshore and can be used as stand-alone programs or in conjunction with a Schoolship program. Watershed Exploration programs connect students with the Great Lakes by exploring watersheds, exposing youth to Great Lakes careers, and gaining experience with technology and skills used in the field. For schools coming from greater distances, a 40-bed on-site dormitory space is available. Book your next field trip today!

Watch this video to learn about our programs.

For more information on our school programs, contact Julie Johnson, School Partnership Coordinator, at jjohnson@schoolship.org or call 231-271-3077 x107.

School programs: Schoolship
School Programs: Watershed Exploration
School Programs: ROV

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Vitamin Sea is our quarterly educator newsletter. It come chock full of information about our programs, professional development opportunities from around the Great Lakes and all sorts of fun items for you and your classroom. Sign up by clicking the button below.

Hear from educators about the impact of programming that Inland Seas Education Association has to offer.

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