Next Gen is a hands-on experience designed to transform learners into scientists, sailors, and Great Lakes stewards. Aboard the ship, students work in small groups to collect water and biological samples using scientific equipment. Students rotate through five learning stations to analyze the samples and explore the Great Lakes food web by examining fish, plankton, benthic sediment, and water quality. Students also become familiar with life on a schooner by hauling lines, raising sails, and maybe even steering the ship!
Program Details
Dates Offered:
- Spring: May through early June
- Fall: September through early October
Program Locations:
- Schooner Inland Seas sails out of Suttons Bay – 100 Dame St., Suttons Bay, MI 49682.
- Schooner Alliance sails out of Discovery Pier in Traverse City – 13271 S W Bay Shore Dr., Traverse City, MI 49684.
*Program location is dependent on the vessel you select when registering.
- Morning session: 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
- Afternoon session: 1:15 PM – 4:45 PM
Group Size:
- Schooner Inland Seas: max. of 32 – includes all students, teachers, and chaperones
- Schooner Alliance: max. of 35 – includes all students, teachers, and chaperones
$825 (Thanks to the generous support of individual donors and foundations who subsidize the remaining cost.)
Program Tracks
There are two tracks to choose from – microplastics or seamanship. Both tracks include the fish, plankton, Great Lakes challenge puzzle, and either benthos or water quality learning stations, but teachers can select either microplastics or seamanship as their fifth station.
- Microplastics: How does plastic pollution enter the Great Lakes and what actions can we take to reduce the amount of plastic? Best for groups wanting to do more with Great Lakes science, and who want to connect personal action with Great Lakes health.
- Seamanship: How does the ship float and what role has shipping played in the Great Lakes? Best for groups wanting hands-on experiences with physics concepts, and who want to connect Great Lakes shipping with economic and environmental well-being of the Great Lakes.

Program Timeline:
(20 min) Group arrives – introductions and students receive name tags and log books
(10 min) Safety talk from the captain and board ship
(15 min) Depart from dock and launch Otter Trawl to sample fish
(10 min) Motor to sampling location while students learn about and practice with sampling equipment
(25 min) Collect lake samples (plankton, benthos, water quality, weather, water clarity)
(30 min) Hoist the anchor and raise the sails!
(05 min) Mindful reflection time
(80 min) Students rotate through five learning stations to analyze samples
(10 min) Stewardship conversations
(05 min) Wrap-up discussion and disembark
3.5 Hours Total
Ready to Register?
You can register for your Schoolship program online using the live calendar (below). If you have questions or would like support in registering, please reach out to School Partnership Coordinator, Julie Johnson, at