ISEA is #40 in 100 Things Book
Do Experiments by Ship Inland Seas Education Association is listed as #40 in Kim Schneider’s 100 Things to Do in Traverse City Before You Die. The author encourages readers to...
Do Experiments by Ship Inland Seas Education Association is listed as #40 in Kim Schneider’s 100 Things to Do in Traverse City Before You Die. The author encourages readers to...
Northern Express published this article on the June 22, 2018. It covers beach cleanup findings, ISEA’s help in researching microplastics in the Great Lakes, and more. Read the article here.
The Eastern Upper Peninsula Intermediate School District (EUP ISD) used the schooner Inland Seas as part of a remotely operated vehicles (ROV) teacher education program last summer. The EUP ISD...
The old Northern Lumber building at 100 Dame Street in Suttons Bay, MI was purchased by Inland Seas Education Association in 2003. It was then renovated to create the Inland...
The 2016-17 Traverse City West Senior High Community Service Advisory (CSA) class raised $7,415.76 for Inland Seas Education Association to purchase a classroom set of bicycles. Forty CSA students planned...
More Great Lakes Experiences for Students Impact 100 TC members voted to give Inland Seas Education Association a $127,500 grant at their first-ever grant-giving membership meeting on November 8th. The...
Arielle Breen, Gaylord Herald Times, came aboard the schooner Inland Seas to experience a Young Women in STEM trip. Read about her experience here.
Dr. Kirk L. Heinze, MSU Professor Emeritus, host of “Greening of the Great Lakes,” and blogger, interviewed Fred Sitkins recently about Inland Seas Education Association. The interview was aired on...
Two January 2017 Record Eagle articles highlight Inland Seas Education Association. One focuses on our students and programming and the other on the Michigan DEQ State of the Great Lakes...
Inland Seas Education Association presented our Year in Review at the ISEA Education Center on Tuesday, January 10. During this yearly Seminar Series kick-off, staff shared a summary of ISEA...