Great Lakes Websites

The following are websites where you can find additional Great Lakes curriculum resources.

Center for Great Lakes Literacy Search for lesson plans by subject area, grade level, topic, or Great Lakes literacy principle.

Michigan Sea Grant – Teaching Great Lakes Science  This might be the best place on the web for Great Lakes lessons. Click on Explore Lessons and Data Sets to get started.

NOAA – Marine Debris Education Materials If you want to educate about microplastics, or trash in the Great Lakes in general, this is the place to begin. Click Activities and Curricula for several curriculum guides to marine debris.

Michigan State University – Data Nuggets Graduate student researchers at MSU create classroom lessons using actual data sets. These lessons apply all of the NGSS practices of science, and expose students to real world issues, the complexity of nature, and the messiness of a real dataset. Some of the lessons are aquatic, many are not, all are excellent.

Minnaqua – Fishing Get in the Habitat! An elaborate curriculum from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources that includes dozens of fish-related (and water stewardship) activities.

Michigan Water Stewardship Program Plenty of educational content and resources about water on this site. Whether you are a resident (homeowner), student, or educator, you will find plenty of useful information, videos, and activities on this site.

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